Are you planning to make your next holiday to Sri Lanka? Wondering about how to obtain Visa to Sri Lanka? This article will give a comprehensive introduction to you about Visa procedures to Sri Lanka.
What is a Sri Lankan Visa?
A Sri Lankan visa is an endorsement on a passport or a similar document to facilitate the legal entry of non Sri Lankans into the country and to regulate the period of their stay and the conditions governing such stay.
What are the Types of Sri Lankan Visas?
There are four kinds of visas which permit a person to enter and/or stay in Sri Lanka.
Visit Visa
A Visit Visa is an entry permit signifying the consent of the Sri Lankan Government for the admission of a foreign national to the country. The Visa contains details of the period of time and the condition/s of the stay.
There are two sub-categories which come under visit visas :-
1. Tourist Visit Visa
A Tourist Visa is issued to bona-fide tourists who want to enter Sri Lanka for sightseeing, excursions, relaxation, visit relatives or yoga training for a short period of time.
2. Business Purpose Visa
A Business Purpose Visa is issued to foreign nationals who visit Sri Lanka for business purposes for short period of time. This visa may be issued for single or double journeys.
Residence Visa
A residence visa is a permit for a non-Sri Lankan to obtain residence facilities for special purposes.There are eight sub-categories which come under residence visas –
i) Employment Category
ii) Investor Category
iii) Religious Category
iv) Student Category
v) Registered Indians covered by the 1954 Indo-Lanka Agreement.
vi) Ex- Sri Lankans and their dependants
vii) Family Members of a Sri Lankan
viii) Diplomatic and Official visa
ix) My Dream Home Visa Programme
x) Resident Guest Visa Programme
Transit Visa
A Transit Visa is an entry permit granted to a foreign national for admission into Sri Lanka for a brief period which is incidential and in the course of his journey to another destination.
Gratis Visa
The holder of a Diplomatic or Official Passport or a passport with a valid Diplomatic or Official endorsement will not be required to pay any fees for the visa.
Who are eligible for Visa Exemptions?
- Sri Lankan dual citizens.
- Children whose birth has been registered under section 5(2) of Citizenship Act – 1948 upto 21 years of age.
- Children born in Sri Lanka for Sri Lankan parents under 21 years of age.
What are the general eligibility requirements for Sri Lankan Visas?
Sri Lanka Immigration and Emigration may grant or issue a visa to you if –
- Sri Lanka Immigration & Emigration is satisfied that you are suitable to enter Sri Lanka.
- Sri Lanka Immigration & Emigration approves the purpose for which you are entering Sri Lanka.
- You hold a passport valid for a minimum period of six months from the date you arrive in Sri Lanka.
- Sri Lanka Immigration & Emigration is satisfied that you have adequate funds for your maintenance whilst in Sri Lanka and for the payment of your return passage to the country which issued your passport.
- You are in possession of a written assurance (ticket) to return to the country of domicile or a visa to the next country of destination if you are a visit visa holder.
The Immigration and Emigration Department in Sri Lanka now offers Electronic Visa Authorization (ETA) for the visitors who are willing to obtain visa to Sri Lanka. With that facility, there are four main ways that you can apply for Visa to Sri Lanka.
1. Electronic Visa
2. Submitting application through the nearest Embassy/Consulate.
3. Visa on Arrival Counter at the airport.
4. Apply through your travel agent.
Generally, obtaining Visa to Sri Lanka is not a serious deal expect for the nationals of Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Cameroon & Pakistan. The above said passport holders have to follow a special procedure to obtain visa.