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When is the BEST time in Lijiang?

Spring(Mar to May) is the best season to Lijiang.

Neither cold nor hot, average temperatue is about 17゜C,Blue and clear sky every day,Jade Dragon Snow Mountain can be seen from every where,and flowers in blossom,few toursits.

Winter is also very nice season to Lijiang,especially to visit the Jade Dragon Snow mountain and

The Yangtze River,During Nov to Jun,it's the dry season,most clean and blue sky in the year,it's very

warm in the daytime,temperature usually above 12゜C,up to 25゜C,but it could be -7゜C at night. You might find you're the only tourist in the old town,as Very few tourists come in Winter. It's also the

cheapest season to come.


Autumn(during Sep to Oct) is not bad,it rains some times,the problem is too many tourists and no

snow in the Mountain.

Summer(during late Jun to Agu) is a very bad time to come to Lijiang.Heave rain very offen, a lot of landslide, too fogy to see the snow Mountain,acctually very little snow in the mountain in Summer.Very very Crowded everywhere! Much more expensive to come,as everything double the price.

So Spring>Winter=>Autumn>>>>Summer