Wenchang Department Stores Tours – Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, China
Wenchang Department Stores
About this place
The big ritzy places to shop in Yangzhou are clustered around the white pavilion in the center of town, Wenchang Pavilion (文昌阁).
At the northeast corner of the intersection is the Wan Jia Fu (万家福) department store with 5 floors of just about every product under the sun. Many products include very entertaining translations as well.
At the southwest corner is the Golden Eagle (金鹰) department store which is pretty similar to Wan Jia Fu. Just west of Golden Eagle is Times Square (时代广场), a more typical mall. These places are a total zoo on the weekends, always making for a fun spectacle at the very least. For a more shopping experience, head over on a weekday.
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