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Hospitals in Wuhan

For minor illness, you can buy the drugs in pharmacies or drugstores if you know the name of the drug in Chinese or are able to describe your sickness to the pharmacist. In the case of an emergency, call 120 for an ambulance.


Below is a list of the best hospitals in Wuhan.


Tongji Medical University Hospital (同济医科大学附属同济医院)
#1095 Construction Avenue, Hankou (汉口解放大道1095号)
Tel/ 电话: (27)- 85807711
One of the best hospitals in Wuhan.

Wuhan Medical Care Centre of Tongji Hospital (武汉同济医疗保健中心)
#1095 Construction Avenue, Hankou (汉口解放大道1095号).
Tel/ 电话: (27)-83662888
Suitable for normal check ups. Clean facilities and new equipment.

Zhongnan Hospital Affiliated to Wuhan University (武汉大学中南医院)
#169 East Lake Road, Wuchang (武昌东湖路169号)
Tel/ 电话: 027-87824212

Hubei Women & Children's Hospital (湖北省妇女儿童医院)
Hubei Maternal and Child Health Hospital (湖北省妇幼保健院)
# 745 Wuluo Road, Hongshan District,Wuchang (武昌洪山区武珞路745 号)
Tel/电话: (27)- 87866441

Asia Heart Hospital (亚洲心脏病医院)
# 1, Dandong Road, Hankou (汉口单洞路1号)
Tel/ 电话: (27)-85868008
New, modern and clean hospital. Best in the field of heart disease.

General Hospital of Guangzhou Military Area in Wuhan, (广州军区武汉总医院)
# 627 Wuluo Road, Wuchang (武昌武珞路627号)
Tel/ 电话: 027- 87879797