Binh Faifoo
Put a tour with an insider is your choice.why not?
Contact MeLadies and Gentlemen,
Thank you very much for choosing Viet Nam as your destination for your trip.
Welcome to Viet Nam.
My name is Binh.I am from Hoi An which is a UNESCO world heritage site in Viet Nam.
I started working in Vietnamese tourism industry in 1998.A year later my hometown was recognized as a world culture heritage site by UNESCO.
I worked as a hotel receptionist, restaurant manager, tour operator and interpreter.
Now, I am a licensed tour guide in Viet Nam.
I can arrange tailor-made leisure and history tours around Viet Nam
It would be my pleasure to be your tour guide.
What can I bring to you as your tour guide:
5.Useful travel services around information e.g. hotels, local restaurants, vehicle rental at very good rates.
6. I can help you to save around 30% of your vacation as compared to other travel operators with my insider knowledge.
Nowadays,I am aware that many people like to travel independently so I am available for shorter tours as well.
So let me be your choice.
Why not try and see what happens?
Have a good trip.
I look forward to seeing you
[email protected]
Contact Me