Article Added By Rudi,

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To Guangzhou and other cities in Guangdong 去广州还有广东其他城市
To Guangzhou
Buses from Shenzhen to Guangzhou leave from Luohu Bus Station, Futian Bus Station and Bao’an Bus Station. They operate between 6:00am and 12:00am and leave every ten minutes. Tickets cost about RMB60. The journey takes two hours.
Luohu Bus Station 罗湖汽车站 (0)755 8232 1670
Futian Bus Station 福田汽车站 (0)755 8358 7526
Bao’an Bus Station 宝安汽车站 (0)755 2778 5540
The train to Guangzhou is a faster (and safer) alternative. The Guang-Shen Rail Service operates regular and frequent trains from 3:20am to 10:30pm out of Shenzhen train station. The journey takes about 70 minutes and tickets cost RMB65-75. You can buy a ticket before boarding. The Guang-Shen Railway has a separate ticket office next to the main one in the station.
Inquiry Hotline: (0) 755 9660 2800 (or 12581710 if you are calling from a mobile).  
To other cities in Guangdong
The best option for intercity travel in Guangdong is  bus. Buses leave at regular intervals for all major cities and towns in the province from Shenzhen’s larger bus stations (see above). Most of the buses are very comfortable and even play movies for passengers and given the standard of the movies they play, the lack of English subtitles is no impediment to understanding the plot.  

Comments (1)

shawncooper, posted 7 years ago
Rudi, Can you tell me how to take the high speed train from Shenzhen LoWu Train Station to the Guangzhou Baiyun World Leatherware Trade Center? Thank you!

Comments (1)

shawncooper, posted 7 years ago
Rudi, Can you tell me how to take the high speed train from Shenzhen LoWu Train Station to the Guangzhou Baiyun World Leatherware Trade Center? Thank you!