Shilin (Stone Forest) Tours – China, Yunnan Province, Kunming

Shilin (Stone Forest)

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120 km southeast of Kunming, Kunming, Yunnan Province, China
Hours : 8:30am-6pm

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3 User Reviews

Tours That Go to Shilin (Stone Forest)


User Reviews

Nice Stone Forest

By Chris Tan,

Zhangjiajie local guide,find your personalized private tour!

Really nice to visit beautiful Yunan,Stone Forest qeculiar standing in front of us, that's the one of the best stones in China.
Re: Shilin (Stone Forest)

By ,

<p>i remember once there&nbsp;is a TV play took at this park,there are also some butterflies,beautiful,like it.</p>
A natural wonder of Kunming.

By Mandy,

Welcome to Nantong!

<p><strong>Shilin Stone Forest</strong> is breathtaking - lake, caves, gorgeous vistas of the surrounding countryside, there are numberous different areas where one can see the rock formations, including Long Lake which has underwater stalactites and an island in the middle.</p> <p>Find a group with an English - speaking guide if you lucky.</p>

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