As a Chinese proverb says;"There is a heaven, there are Suzhou and hangzhou on earth."Here is something about Suzhou. Suzhou is called Oriental Venice by Maco Polo. Because Suzhou has more than 300 lakes and 2000 rivers, the city is surrounded by water. The water way transport system was very developed in ancient time. The whole Suzhou municipality covers a total area of 8488 square kilo meters, with a population of 6.06 million, lakes and canals occupy 42.2% of city's total area.Tongli and Zhouzhuan are very famous water towns in Suzhou.
The city sits on Beijing to Hangzhou grand canal while high way 312, both Shanghai to Nanking Express way and railway pass through it,from east to west. As the airports,there are four, Guanfu airport lines to west,and Shuofa airport leads to north west, Suzhou's airport highway directly leads to Hongqiao airport also to Pudong airport.
Suzhou has been known as a historical city of culture renown,and it is also known as city of gardens, a town of canal,the land of rice, the metropolis of art and crafts,and the home of slick. In 514 BC, king He Lu ordered to build its capital, his prime minister Wu Zixu inspect water and soil conditions, and made astrological tellings which is on the basis of land planing, built the great city of He Lu. That began the history of Suzhou.
Now there exist four land gates and two water gates. Totally there are 518 historical and cultural sites that have been listed as national, provincial or municipal monuments. Known as a typical garden city. Suzhou preserves 68 classical gardens, here are some very famous gardens such as lingering garden, humble administrator's garden, master-of-nets garden,mountain villa with embracing beauty.