Narrow Streets of Shanghai - Photos by Xu Jin, Shanghai, China
Like in Beijing, Shanghai also has a tightly packed alleyways structure called longtangs (弄堂, lòngtáng). In Beijing these areas are called hutongs. The main differences between the two are strikingly visible. Hutongs are short, while longtangs are taller, with two or three stories, towering above the mazes within.
The real life of Shanghai still can be seen in these Narrow Streets.
You can find the Narrow Streets in: Jianguo West Road, Fuxing West Road, Hefei Road, Dongtai Road, Huaihai Zhong Road, Huashan Road, Shaanxi South Road, Yan’an Zhong Road, Yuyuan Road, Xinzha Road, Changsha Road, Xinchang Road, Guling Road, Xiamen Road and Yunnan Zhong Road.