Nha Trang Cathedral Tours – Nha Trang, Vietnam

By Stephen Tran,

Private Tour Guide Nha Trang, Nha Trang Day Tour, Nha Trang Excursions

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Nha Trang Cathedral
Nha Tho Nui

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Nguyen Trai Street, Vietnam, Nha Trang
Hours : 06h00-17h00

About this place



One of the destinations that you should not be overlooked when it comes to the coastal city of Nha Trang Vietnam is the stone church, the address on the 12m height between the city center.

Every year, Nha Trang city, attracts many tourists to visit and vacation. In addition to the famous scenic beach with beautiful white sand beach, the famous island of Hon Tre, Hon Tam to complete the game on the sea, resort Vinpearland, Vung Ro Bay, Long Beach Cam Ranh. There are many points to the culture and history are on in the city.

Located at a height of 12 meters between the city center, cathedral Nha Trang is the place attracts many tourists, the filming and photography at home and abroad. The official name of the church is the Cathedral of Christ the King, but often people in the area mentioned is called a simple stone church, the church Nha Trang, Nga Sau church. More common still is the church called Mt. The church is one of the architectural features unique French style.

Ideology spread beautiful lifestyle of Catholics in Nha Trang, cleric Louis Vallet (1869 – 1945) spent his enthusiasm for building the church. After he died, his grave is located at the foot of the church.

September 3, 1928, the church was constructed on a small mountain called snout Mount Cotton. The name of the church as well, hence the mountain. Interesting point is to create space on the mountain, it has been used about 500 mines crust.

The church was built entirely in the style of the West by the Catholic church. Architecture is similar to the church in Sapa and some other places in Nha Trang Vietnam. A bell hangs high in the middle third bell is easily identifiable points of the Western Catholic Church.

The church is a beautiful space to be the photographer and film favorite. These couples also choose to place the church shooting their wedding photos. Church open to all weekdays between 8 am and still maintain the lead lecture in the morning and afternoon.

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By Stephen Tran,

Private Tour Guide Nha Trang, Nha Trang Day Tour, Nha Trang Excursions

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