Villages around Lijiang Tours – Lijiang, Yunnan Province, China

By Haba,

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Villages around Lijiang

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Outside of Lijiang city, China, Yunnan Province, Lijiang
Hours : 24 hours a day

About this place

There are 25 ethnic group people living in Lijiang,but most of them are living in the big mountain,and usually the higher of their villages,the poorer they are. Do pay a visit to the Minority people when travel to Lijiang.

1. Rent a car 2, use public transportation 3, house back riding 4,Hiking

1 User Reviews

Tours That Go to Villages around Lijiang


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Two little cute girls.

By Kate,

<p>I like these photos, especially the two little girls sitting there with adorable smile on their face...</p>

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By Haba,

Your reliable travel guide and driver in China!

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Photos of Villages around Lijiang