Pyramid Tours – Jinan, Shandong Province, China


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No. 111 Wenhua Dong Lu, China, Shandong Province, Jinan
Hours : 7pm-Late

About this place

The first time that I entered the Pyramid, I thought to myself that life is good and true. This place is about dancing and the students, workers, slackers, and business men and women of Jinan come here to do just that. Live Chinese bands perform until about eleven, when the African DJ takes the beat up a notch. As the night winds on towards 2, 3, and 4 in morning, the music twists sometimes into middle eastern beats and you can kiss a good night's sleep goodbye!

Dinner is served from 5 to 10 pm with both Western and Chinese fare available. The bar also opens at five, staying open late, as I said, but not so late on weekdays. The bar is fully stocked with cocktails hovering around 30 yuan, beers for 20ish, and classic Tsingtao (Qingdao) beers for only 15 yuan.

The Pyramid is located almost directly across the street from the Teacher's college. It is just down the street from Shandong University of Fine Art.... hence the young and fabulous.


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