The Other 3 Branches
Nice Taiwan food also with many local Taiwan snacks. We had 5 dishes, and cost 170RMB which is a...
This is my favorite Cantonese restaurant in Nanjing, usually i go there at least 2-3 times a...
Fuhougang Branch (傅厚岗店) No. 1 Fuhougang 傅厚岗1号 +86 (0)25 8335 6085
Special snacks: Sweet Jellied Bean Curd with Sauce 蜜汁豆腐干 Sesame Cake with Mashed Date枣泥麻饼
Take tourist bus 4, or public buses No. 1, 2, 8, 9, 32, 38, 68, 102 and 103.