伊朗导游:波斯波利斯(Takht-e jamshid) , Perspolice Tours – Iran
伊朗导游:波斯波利斯(Takht-e jamshid) , Perspolice
Takht-e jamshid
About this place
Perspolis (takht-e jamshid) is one of city that was built by akamanid empire.this city consist of different part and different building.perspolis is one of unesco world heritage site.it was started to built in the time of dariush the great . latter akamaind king added different part to it.so they continuesly added new building during 150 years of akamanid empire.
The ruins of perspolis we see these days is located 56 km north east of shiraz.name of these city is parse. This name was written in cuniform inscription on the top of xerxes gate way(also known as gate of all nations )
Perspolis was lost for centuries and coverd with sands until 1930s that excavation let this ancient empire come alive again.
波斯波利斯(Takht-e jamshid),是一座基本由阿契美尼德王(阿开民王朝)建造,这个城市由不同部分和建筑组成。波斯波利斯是联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)在录的世界遗产之一。起建于大流士大帝时期,之后,阿契美尼德王补建了不同的的部分,所以,阿契美尼德王150多年间添建了很多新的建筑。
Apadana palace
The most prominent building in perspolice is apadana palace.the hight of this part is higher compare to other surrounded area.apadana was started to built in the time of Dariush the great and it finished in the time of xerxes.
Apadana palace is 3 meter higher than basement , and 2 stuning stairway let you go inside the palace .one stairways is located in north and another one is located east of palace.
The most famous base relief of this palace is shining on these stairways , bas relief of lion and bull combat.there are other bas relief of Persian and median soldier , lotus flower , cypress tree and different nations with their gifts for akamenid king(like sheep , camel , weapon , censer ,…)
阿帕达纳宫(Apadana Palace)
Tours That Go to 伊朗导游:波斯波利斯(Takht-e jamshid) , Perspolice
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