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伊朗导游:古勒斯坦宫:Iran Tour Guide:Golestan Palace

Golestan Palace:

Golestan Palace complex has different several building. Most of them are built in the time of Qajar and some in time of Safavid and Zand dynasty.

Ivan-e takht-e Marmar

Ivan-e takht-e Marmar(or Marble throne verandah) , this Ivan are fully decorated with mirror works.the throne carried on the shoulder of human figures.this throne is consist of 65 pieces of stone. The stones transferred to Tehran from a mine in Yazd. 2 stairs on the middle of let King go up the throne.

Khalvat-e Karim Khani(Karim Khan nook):

This part of palace is older than Qajar dynasty and  goes back to Zand dynasty. This place is located in the north west corner of is told that Nasser al din shah came to this place to smoke water pipe(qalyan).the structure had built by Karim Khan Zand and Nasser al din shah destroy most part of it to build salam talar and building we see these days are the remain.

Talar-e Ayaneh(hall of mirror)

One of most beautiful room in Golestan Palace and located in west part of was built by Sani al molk.miror work in the Talar-e Ayeneh is eye catching and pleasant more than expect .most of popularity this place has is because of a painting of famous Iranian Painter that takes 5 years to finish.

Some other part in Golestan Palace:

Howz Khaneh(pool room)

Shams-al emarat

Maybe we can call in first high building in Qajar dynasty .it was built in time of Naser aldin shah. Contain Persian and European style of architecture. This high building gives Qajar king a fabulous panoramic view of Tehran. 

Emarat-e Badgir

This building is located next to shams-al Emarat and has many beautiful mirror work inside the building cover nearly every walls.

Aks Khane(historic photographic gallery)

Talar-e Almas


戈勒斯坦王宫(Golestan Palace):

戈勒斯坦王宫混有几个不同的建筑。大多数是建立在卡扎尔王朝时期,其中一些是建在萨菲王朝(Safavid dynasty)和桑德王朝(Zand dynasty).


大理石宝座大殿(大理石王座殿)(Ivan-e Takht-e Marmar):


卡里姆汗宫(Khalvat e Karim Khani):

这个宫殿的部分,要比卡扎尔王朝更久,可以追溯到桑德时代,此宫殿坐落在西北角处。据说是Nasser al Din王抽水烟(Qakya或Shisha)的地方,这个建筑结构由卡里姆汗·赞德建造,Nasser al Din王破坏一部分,今天看到的大部分由Salam Talar建的得以保存下来。


镜子厅(Talar e Ayaneh; Hall of Mirror):

一个坐落在戈勒斯坦宫西边的最漂亮的一间房子,由Sani al Molk建,这里镜子作品,比你期待的还要吸引眼球,这里的出名,大部分原因是它由伊朗著名画家用了五年时间完成。



水池室(Howz Khaneh)

太阳宫(Shams al Emarat)

或许我们能说这是卡扎尔王朝最高的建筑,它建立于Nasser al Din王时期,汇合了波斯和欧式的建筑。这个高大的建筑难以置信地给卡扎尔王德黑兰全景的视野。

Emarat风塔(Emarat e Badgir):


历史相片馆(Aks Khaneh)

钻石厅(Tala e Almas)


written by Reza Kou
