Shahcheragh Tours – Iran, Shiraz

By Mohammad Javad,

Designing a tailor-made adventure for you in IRAN with a local guide

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Shahcheragh, Shiraz, Iran, Shiraz, Iran
Hours : No limit

About this place

Shah Cheragh is 

the name of a holy place and a 

funerary monument in Shiraz. In 

fact, Shah Cheragh is the tomb of 

Mir Seyyed Ahmad nicknamed 

Shah Cheragh, son of Imam Mùsà al-Kàdhim, the seventh Imam of Shia. 

This building has been constructed in the 6th century of Islamic calender and at the time of Atabakan-e-fars. 

The dome and shrine of this building have beautiful mosaic and tiles that attracts the attention of every visitor and pilgrims; also, inside the shrine is decorated with colorful tiny mirror works, unique stucco, and beautiful and artistic comice. Near the shrine of 

Hazrat-e Shah Cheragh there is the shrine of Mir Mohammad, Shah Cheragh's brother, which 

dates back to 10th century of Islamic calendar, and it is reconstructed and decorated in 

Zandiyye period. The mosaic work of its dome is in the style of the mosaic works of Qaj'ar period.

One of the other features of the building is the wooden structure of the ceiling of the terrace and the writing of the holy names on them.

There is a huge pond in the middle of the yard which is made of porcelain from the mines of Neyriz. 

There is also museum and the 

library of the Shrine of Shah Cheragh in this complex.

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By Mohammad Javad,

Designing a tailor-made adventure for you in IRAN with a local guide

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