Hafez Tomb Tours – Iran, Shiraz

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Hafez Tomb

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Golestan Blv, Shiraz, Iran
Hours : 8:00 - 21:00

About this place

Hafez is great poet of Iran; whose book is second the most published text after Quran, this poet came from this place &was born in 726A.H. and studied in Persian literature, Arabic language &literature and rational sciences. He was one of the most passionate poets of his time and due to his unique style in his amorous, Gnostic poems was under blame by some people. he demised in 791 A.H. when some prejudiced people even was opposed him to be buried in Moslems cemetery and until sixty years, thee was only a simple stone on his burial place where after these years a domed tomb was constructed at his burial location.but, Hafez's tomb was basically was erected at Zandieh era by order of Karim khan Zand and in Qajar region also some changes applied on this structure. Current structure of Hafez's tomb was designed by Andre Goddard French architect in 1311 S.H.where has a very beautiful adoption with its previous architecture.


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