The Guanyin mountain natrual reserve, river trekking, climbing,canyoning. Tours – Guangdong Province, Qingyuan, China
The Guanyin mountain natrual reserve, river trekking, climbing,canyoning.
About this place
The Guanyin mountain natural reserve is located in the north part of Fogang town which is full of mystery. The greatest landscape in the mountainr is so called "long tan waterfall" which has a dropof above hundred meter, when the raining comes, it's just like the white dragon leaps and the cloud of fine spray comes up from the waterfall.
When swim in the natural pure mountain spring, you see very green trees in the two sides of the river, you hear the sound that waterfall rushing to the pool, it's more wild-phenomena than swimming pool.
Clear mountain stream, green deep pool, it's absolutely a good place to climbing,river trekking,canyonin.
The price USD100 per day including car fee, outdoor leader fee, scenic spot fee.
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