Window of the world, adjoining "exquisite silk China" and "the Chinesefolk custom culture village", is located the Chinese GuangdongProvince Shenzhen bay bank beautiful overseas Chinese city, 480,000 square meters, by Hong Kong in the travel group, the overseasChinese city group invests 650 million Yuan to construct together. Shetake brings honor to the world culture as the subject, the collectionworld famous landscape, the natural scenery, the folk custom characterand style and the folk dance to a garden, has reappeared a wonderfulworld. The scenic area divides into the world square, the Asian area, theOceanian area, the European area, the African area, the Americas area,the modern science and technology entertainment area, the worldsculpture garden, the international street nine big scenic areasaccording to the world region structure and the tour active content,in constructs has 118 scenic spots, including pyramid, ,Grand Canyon, the Arc De Triomphe, the saint Peter cathedral, the Sydney opera house, the Leaning Tower of Pisa and soon, has been fine peerlessly, lifelike. As the scenic area activitycenter world square, may hold the tourist ten thousand people,whenever the curtain of night arrives, at the beginning of thedecorated lantern puts, in the scenic area unfolds another kind ofenchanting exotic atmosphere. Are composed "night of the revelry" bythe world nationality dance and the folk custom program art greatly togo on patrol, visits a park the activity the scenic area to push tothe high tide. Window of 130 worlds famous landscapes the world, just like a pearl tomount in 480,000 square meters paradises. The scenic area divides intothe world square, the Asian area, the Oceanian area, the Europeanarea, the African area, the Americas area, the world sculpture gardenand the international street eight wide ranges according to the worldregion structure. Both has micro exquisitely shrinks the landscape tobe unique, and concurrently original landscape containing and impulse. The scenic area China gate Rangoon Chinta, thecassiabarktree , Mount Fuji numerical code theater , region of rivers and lakes Aka Sha Bao, Venice ShuiCheng, the windmill, the Leaning Tower of Pisa VersaillesPalace, the Arc De Triomphe, four big continents eruptive fountainsRome arena, pyramid, African common people residence dpyramid searches the Peru, the Venezuelan mountain torrent erupts, aHawaian volcano ¨d¨d Nepal Asia carat big waterfall, the Greenlandisland center of earth exploration, Grand Canyon explores the drift Manhattan high level architectural complex, the White House,india common people residence Jurassic Period dinosaurworld, world sculpture garden, international character and stylestreet Caesar palace, the Roman holiday square, Paris springthe shopping square, the Eiffel tower, in the Alps large-scale roomthe ski field world The square round the world stage 19:30 willperform "Eternity To be loose", after the party ended ten minutes, theAmericas area will have the mountain torrent to erupt, the volcaniceruption performance. the tour finished, leaves the garden Concrete: Scenic area (5) Chinese gate Prompt: Nearby the Chinese gate has the washroom, theconsultation center, the tour station, the medical office,the scenic area direction room; The single track vehicle 20 Yuan, tourthe bus service 20 Yuan, the chartered car count in addition. (16) Burmese Rangoon Chinta, (7) peaceful royal palace, (13)Indonesian husband's mother Luo buddhist monk, Japanese cassiabarktree, Mount Fuji numerical code theater Prompt: If the time fortunately, may free watch four Uygur inthe Mount Fuji theater to move the feeling movie, each field limits100 people to watch. (15) Indian , Southeast Asia region of rivers andlakes Prompt: The region of rivers and lakes has the dining room,the souvenir store, the washroom, but also has near the water stage,every day has the character and style dance performance. (27) Spanish Aka Sha Bao, (37) Venice Shui Cheng, (38) Dutchwindmill, (28) Leaning Tower of Pisa Prompt: Nearby the windmill has the dining room, the salesstore. (34) French Versailles Palace, (36) Arc De Triomphe, (43) fourbig continents eruptive fountains Prompt: Nearby the Arc De Triomphe has a handicraft commoditystreet, has the ski field, has the picture color photo enlargementshop (32) Roman arena, (44) Egyptian pyramid, African commonpeople residence Prompt: The African common people residence from a start, hasa performance every day (game). pyramid searches the Peru, the Venezuelan mountain torrenterupts, the Hawaian volcano Prompt: In the scenic area character and style danceperformance, the special effect performance may free watch. Themountain torrent erupts from 13:00 start, every day 5 performances,the holiday can increase the performance number of showings; TheHawaian volcano each late has an eruption performance. (47) a Nepali Asia carat big waterfall, the Greenland islandcenter of earth exploration, Grand Canyon explore the drift Prompt: Center of earth exploration, canyon drift forparticipation entertainment project, expense: 10 Yuan/person of/items. (50) New York Manhattan high level architectural complex, (49)White House, (53) Brasilia parliament building,india commonpeople residence Prompt: india the common people residence has aperformance every day. Jurassic Period dinosaur world, world sculpture garden,international character and style street Prompt: On the international street has the dining room, thesouvenir store, the washroom, the high structure single track station Caesar palace, Roman holiday square, Paris springshopping square, Eiffel tower, in Alps large-scale room ski field Prompt: The iron tower has goes sightseeing the elevator to bepossible to ascend the tower to go against; The Roman square, Parisspring in the square are the dazzling various countries'characteristic handicraft; The ski field whole year opens, spends 10Yuan to rent clothes and the skid resistant shoes then may experiencethe real snow pleasure; In the Caesar palace has the fast-food and theChinese type spot meal service. world square round the world stage Prompt: 19:30 "Eternity Will be every day loose" at round theworld the stage performance large-scale music epic poem dance party,the central area auditorium ordinary day the ticket price will bedivided 50 Yuan, 20 Yuan, 10 Yuan, the holiday period ticket price is80 Yuan, 30 Yuan, 20 Yuan. After the party ended ten minutes, the Americas area has the mountaintorrent to erupt, the volcanic eruption performance. the tour finished, leaves the garden
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