Dafang Department Store Tours – Beijing, China

By Kungfu Panda,

Excellent & Professional English tour guide

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Dafang Department Store

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4 Chongwenmen Dongdajie, China, Beijing
Hours : 8:30am-7pm

About this place

This department store is stuck in the 1980s, where saleswomen wear blue uniforms and count with abacuses. Dafang has been around since 1979 and everything is the same as it was 30 years ago--décor, goods, pricees and standard Beijinghua. Old-timers come from as far as Tongzhou for bottles of six kuai skin cream. Even if you’re not buying anything, Dafang is worth a visit for a peek into Beijing in the 1980s.

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Re: Dafang Department Store

By Kungfu Panda,

Excellent & Professional English tour guide

<p>Time stills in 1980s in Dafang Department Store, where saleswomen wear deep blue uniform and reckon with abacus while customs crowd before old-fashioned glasses counters for old branded cosmetics, shoes, and cloth. Dafang is the only store that exits since 1979 and everything is the same as it was 30 years ago-the décor, the goods, the cheap price and standard Beijing Hua. There are Lao Beijing people traveling from Tongzhou to Dafang for a bottle of 6 kuai skin cream. Even if you’re no...read more

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By Kungfu Panda,

Excellent & Professional English tour guide

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